Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An Unwanted Pet's Lament

Life is harsh out there.
Did you know? Did you care?
You picked me up in your arms
And took me in your car
To a place so near to you
And yet so very far.
Life is harsh out there.
Did you know? Did you care?

You took me to the country
You said “you will find a space.”
You left me in a ditch
By some farmers place.
You left without a glance
Life is harsh out there.
Did you know? Did you care?

The farmer didn’t take me.
His barn was already full.
I guess there are others like you.
Who really just don’t see
that…..life is harsh out there.
Did you know? Did you care?

And so my life began
Searching for a shelter safe
From the cold and from the rain
Searching for a little food
And running from the dangers.
Life is harsh out there.
Did you know? Did you care?

Copyright Gerri in Ontario, Canada

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